Friday, February 04, 2005

That time of the month

Every so often women including myself experience a cluster of emotional, behavioral and physical disturbance. I usually feel very hot tempered, irate...I can go on and on. But often times I wonder if it's just me, is it a part of who I am. It really is hard to say whether these changes are caused by a hormonal imbalance or is used merely as an escape goat.

Alleged culprit:PMS .

Women and most of all men always blame it on pms. To quote my hubby,"Is it your time of the month?". He makes this satirical comment whenever I get ticked off every little idiosyncrasies that he has. I don't know but it is exceptionally irritating during that time. And so I looked up this alleged culprit of women's temporary insanity.

Well, although its causes are still unknown, evidence suggests that it is greatly linked with hormones. These are the symptoms:

1.Questioning all thoughts and actions, the need for reassurance.
--oh yes

2.Being vulnerable and over-sensitive.

3.Feelings of guilt.
--a bit

4.Loss of energy and motivation.
--very much so

5.Loss or gain in weight.
--nope, that's one off the list

6.Poor quality of sleep, or (less frequently) an excessive desire to sleep.

7.Agitation and restlessness.
--of course

8.Loss of sex drive.

9.Difficulty of concentration; forgetfulness.
--hmm..what was the question?

10.Irrational thoughts.
--not sure

11.Physical aches and pains, sometimes with fears of more serious illness

I think the only way to abate these dreadful symptoms is to understand what you're dealing with along with healthy diet and exercise. As for me, whenever I have this feeling of sudden rage, I try to relax and think of something happy. Can't say that it's always effective though, but in a way it helps. But I just wish...oh dear God how I wish we could give the men a slice of this unexplainable madness.