Tuesday, September 20, 2005

What I miss most

What I miss most about the Philippines, in no particular order:

1. big, green & sour mangoes

Which goes perfectly well with bagoong. Mangoes here, both ripe and unripe SUCKS big time. Not even a hint of sourness. I've searched almost all asian groceries but have found none.

2. tropical weather

It hardly rains here, i don't even remember the last time it rained. Some parts of U.S. has an abundance in rainfall but here in Los Angeles...hardly. Whenever it drizzles, expect the news to be all over it. I miss the gust of wind whenever a storm is brewing, the tip-tap of raindrops on the neighbor's roof, the kids playing outside in the rain.

3. friends

I miss having old acquaintances bumping into you in the mall or somewhere unexpected; the surprise and shock when you find a dear old friend; bestfriends just a phonecall away.

4. familiar places

The nostalgic feeling whenever you pass by a school or building or any kind of establishment wherein good and happy memories all come back. You can say..."hey i've been here before" or "this is where we use to do this or that".

5. the sound of children playing in the streets

6. food sold in moveable carts like fishballs...*drooling*