Saturday, October 15, 2005

Psyching myself up

I've always thought that I am a dynamic person. I thought I'm someone who is flexible and would always welcome change because to experience change means that there is a little bit of a risk-taker in me. Or so I thought. Truth is, I'm afraid of change. I keep pushing on the idea that it is important for someone to be flexible at all times, ready to embrace any kind of spontaneity. But I have come to realize that I am quite the opposite. Now I am suffering the consequence through the constant battle I have with myself whether or not I should do this or that. I hate this feeling, and am willing to do a major overhaul. The key is however, not to listen to the little voice inside who's contented with mediocrity. It's frustrating but somehow I believe that I can benefit from this and finally breakthrough. I just have to believe. I know I can do more than what I think I am capable of. Life is too short to live by the sidelines.