Thursday, June 15, 2006

The more we get together.... the crazier I'll be

The more we get together, together, together.
The more we get together the happier we'll be.

I heard my daughter sing this song one day and I was again happy to hear her learn another song from school. It was cute, coming from a 4 year old, so I began singing along because it sure cheered me up. But then upon the second round of singing and at the same time pondering upon the meaning of the song, I said, "Nope, not necessarily true".

I'm not talking about my own family. My husband and daughter is all I have in this world. I'm talking about being too much together with certain people withinin our family meddling with our lives (hint: it's not my parents). Being together, as in from sunrise til sunset they are there questioning you, criticizing, scrutinizing every single aspect of your life. It ain't a pretty picture. I once heard, A happy wife is a happy life. Guess what kind of wife I am right now.

My only glimmer of light is the thought that someday we'll be buying a house far, far, far, far, far, far away from here. By then I'll be the happiest and content wife in the whole world.


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